
Video Production + Strategy = Success

We go beyond video production. We distribute your video to your ideal market.

Creative Media of Kentucky - Take2
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Step 1

Discovery Meeting

During our Discovery Meeting, we will talk about your business goals and priorities. We will ask a series of questions to get a clear understanding of your business.

Step 2

Strategy Meeting

After the Discovery Meeting, we will research your business and create a strategy based on your business, your goals, and priorities. We will present this strategy to you, and discuss next steps.

Step 3

Strategy Implementation

After we discuss your custom strategy that will grow your business and agree on the details, we get to work! We will start implementing your strategy, keeping you up to date every step of the way. 

Contact Us to Schedule Your Discovery Meeting.

Find out how we can help your business grow with the power of video combined with marketing.

Some Types of Videos We Create

A Brand Message Video is the foundation for your company. The BMV tells your story, why you do what you do, and who you serve. Your BMV needs to be the first things people see when they come to your website or your social media profiles.

Brand Message Video Examples:

*Videos for examples. Not produced by Creative Media of KY.

Testimonials, just like the Brand Message Video, play a vital part to your business. Testimonial videos have proven to increase the chances of someone converting into a sale. Testimonial videos, if done correctly, can increase your conversions exponentially. 

Promo videos are used to get the attention of your audience. Promo videos can be used as Paid Ads across various platforms, as well as organic posts on your social media profiles. You can have multiple promo videos show showcase different products or services that you offer. These are then distributed to the intended audience.

The Sales Trifecta Video Package is our proprietary system of videos that, when combined, will drive you more leads and sales. We use Promo Videos to drive people to your website, use a Brand Message Video on your website, and use Testimonial Videos on your website for social proof.

The Sales Trifecta Video Package is the most powerful way to drive more leads and sales. Each video sales trifecta package is customized to meet your current priorities and goals.

We work with you to create TV ads to get your message to viewers. We have placed $Millions of dollars of TV ads, and have produced TV commercials for dozens of local businesses.



With the increase demand of going online, we are helping business owners produce educational videos for online courses. We will work with you to create educational videos for your online courses. 

Do you have an event coming up that you want to live stream to your audience on YouTube, Facebook, and your website? We will come to your event, produce the entire event, and stream it to your website and social media channels. 

Video is a powerful way to document processes and procedures for future reference and training. We can help you create process and procedure videos that you can use to reference back to and when training new employees.

Use the power of video to showcase how great it is to work at your business. We create professional recruiting videos that are designed to get you more applications and hire the best person for the job.

Safety is a high priority for all businesses. Employee safety is one of the most important things you need to train employees on. We can help you create safety training videos that will help keep your employees safe while on the job.

Here are examples of safety videos. These are for example purposes and were not produced by Creative Media of KY. 

Congratulations on entering into the world of politics. Use the power of video to get your message out to the public and increase your chances of getting elected into office. We can help with political TV ads, digital ads, and create a Political Video Trifecta that will get you more eyes on your message and cause.


Staying in compliance can be a huge issue within your business. We help create compliance videos that you can share with your employees to make sure everyone stays within compliance. This helps reduce your risk, as a business, from going out of compliance and having to worry about the legalities as much. We will help you create regular compliance videos that need to go out to your employees.

High morale can do wonders for a company. When your employees share the same passion you have productivity goes through the roof, and the overall mood of your employees goes up. We produce morale videos designed to get your employees pumped to work at your business.

Here are a few examples of Company Morale videos. Creative Media of KY did not produce these videos. These are for example use.




The way people buy products is changing. More buying is done online. We create product videos that will showcase your products on your website and other platforms so that you can get more sales. 

People want to see how a product works. People watch videos about products online before making a buying decision. 

If you sell a product, you need a product video.